
Using a GoPro for Business Videos

By Leadhub
Posted on June 18th, 2014
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I was fortunate enough to take a road trip around the country a few weeks ago. It covered 5,025 miles and 12 states in 12 days. I saw Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, the Rockies and the Grand Tetons – to name just a few of the spectacular sights along the way.

But I had a problem before even pulling out of the garage. How in the world was I going to chronicle a trip like this? I had never done anything like it before, and I wanted to make sure I would have enough memories to never forget it.

I considered a couple different things. I could go the typical blog route, but I knew I likely wasn’t going to have enough time (or reliable WI-FI) to make that happen. I knew I would use Instagram and Twitter along the way, but I wanted to avoid flooding those accounts. What I really wanted was video, but I didn’t want to lug my expensive camera around and waste time setting up tripods, etc.

That’s when a friend suggested I borrow his GoPro camera. And it turned out to be the perfect answer for what I needed.

Now, I don’t want to pretend like GoPros are anything new. They’re not. But, like me, most businesses - especially family businesses - have yet to fully embrace this technology.

You may think a GoPro is too difficult or too flashy for you to use. I’m here to assure you GoPros are no harder to operate than a point-and-shoot you likely have in your desk somewhere. Even better – they’re not very expensive.

You can purchase a GoPro for anywhere from $199-$399 at a place like Best Buy. That’s a small investment to make in something that can really take your video production to the next level. (Accessories do add up quickly, so make sure you’re smart in buying the right ones for your needs.)

So what kind of stuff can you shoot with a GoPro? Service companies, for instance, could mount it to the side of a service van for unique footage of the company logo driving down the street. Businesses with busy offices can mount it strategically in the office to capture customer foot traffic. Speed that up and you’ve got a sweet time lapse of your company’s day. And, don’t forget, GoPros have waterproof cases you can buy. Own a swimming pool company? Get footage from inside as the finishing touches are put on that new pool. Strap a GoPro on a technician's head as he works on the sewer. Water and cameras typically don't mix - but that's not the case here.

Bottom line: Don’t let technology intimidate you! Use it to your advantage when it comes to video production.

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